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Tom Hawk

Tenant Success with Tom Hawk 

Mon, 22/01/2024 - 13:33

One of our newest tenants, Tom Hawk has been settling into his studio over the last two months. Tom is a composer and was delighted to learn that a piece of his production music was recently licensed for an upcoming film's trailer.  

Distributed by Amazon Prime Originals, “Breath of Life”, a Nigerian drama film will feature Tom’s production music in its main campaign trailer. The trailer currently has 1.6 million views. You can hear Tom’s music from around 0:46 seconds into the trailer which then carries on through to the end. If you’d like to watch the trailer and listen out for Tom’s piece, just follow this link: https://youtu.be/dgRYWeEyaYE?si=PsbwRYi6H_ce9OWc 

We look forward to hearing more of Tom’s work as he settles into his new studio here at Banks Mill. 



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